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Notices & Bulletins

Jump to this section to read the latest announcements and bulletins from the Ministry of Long Term Care and changes you should be aware of.



Get the latest updates on whats happening at E.J. McQuigge Lodge. This section will help you get a look at the day to day and changes here at the lodge.


Educational Information

This section will help provide information on our procedures, plans and health and safety information. This is where we share behind the scenes information.


Our Family portal is one way we chose to deliver important information you need to know as the family and support for our residents.

Below you will find the latest posts in all three categories. In order to see specific information in each category you can use the navigation above.

June 20, 2024 in Educational Information for Families, Family Portal

Hot Weather is Here!

Here is some important information to keep in mind now that the hot weather has returned. Download the PDF Here
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April 25, 2024 in Family Portal, Notices & Bulletins

New Guidance – Spring 2024

Recommended that residents and those over 65 receive a Spring 2024 COVID-19 vaccine targeted to those individuals at higher risk for severe illness It will be the XBB COVID vaccine This will be occurring in May for our Home Effective May 1, 2024 Previous COVID-19 guidance documents have been revoked All Visitors - Active screening…
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September 28, 2023 in Notices & Bulletins

Fall Outbreak Prevention Preparedness | September 2023

Influenza immunization will be available here at our home, to residents, beginning the second week of October. We anticipate having influenza vaccine available to families shortly after. COVID-19 outbreaks in local long term care homes continue to be on the rise, in addition to outbreaks caused by other respiratory organisms Due to this we are…
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September 27, 2023 in Notices & Bulletins

Accommodation Changes & Updates 2023

Bulletin to Residents of Long­ Term Care Homes: Important News Regarding Long-Term Care Home Acco1nmodations Charges Basic Accommodation Rates On July 1, 2023, the maximum co-payment that residents pay for basic accommodation in Long-Term Care (LTC) homes will increase by $1.59 per day from $63.73 per day to $65.32 per day, consistent with recent inflationary…
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September 27, 2023 in Newsletters

September 22 – Family Updates

Media Release: HPEPH prioritizing limited supply of bivalent COVID-19 vaccine for individuals in highest-risk settings Hastings and Prince Edward Counties - Sept. 12, 2022 The province has announced that the adapted version of the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine, known as a “bivalent” vaccine, is now available to select high-risk individuals. Hastings Prince Edward Public Health…
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Patient Safety Commitment Statement

E.J. McQuigge Lodge is committed to promoting a culture of safety in which health care providers can readily report harm, close calls and hazards so that the organization can learn and work to improve the safety of resident care. It is our policy to ensure there is a reporting system for actual and potential adverse…
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Health and Safety

Safety is an integral part of all care and services provided at this facility.There is an active Occupational Health and Safety/ Infection Control Committee with representation from all departments. This committee meets quarterly and reviews audit information, outbreak information, infection rates, safety and risk issues, near misses in the facility and any concerns whiqh are…
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Complaints Information

Do You Have a Concern or Complaint About a Long-Term Care Home? If you do, take action and help improve care for residents. Follow the home’s complaint process Homes are required to have a written complaint procedure and post it wherepeople can see it. They are also required to respond to concerns and complaints. OR…
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Emergency Orders – Residents & Visitors

The following instructions are to be followed in case of fire: If you discover a fire: Remove all Occupants From Room Close Door Notify Staff of Fire Location Follow Staff Instructions If you hear the alarm: Remain Calm Close Doors & Windows Prepare to Evacuate Follow Staff Instructions
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Resident Safety Management

E.J. McQuigge Lodge is committed to open and honest discussions with residents/families when residents have suffered harm.  E.J. McQuigge Lodge defines this communication process with residents/families as disclosure. E.J. McQuigge Lodge is also committed, when it is appropriate, to disclosure when a resident has experienced a close call.  In these situations, disclosure is discretionary and…
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Residents Role in Patient Safety

Residents have an important role to play in their health care and their involvement and participation in their care should be encouraged. Throughout the entire continuum of care, there are many opportunities for residents to be involved in decisions about their care. Through an active dialogue between resident and provider, residents can be equipped with…
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September 27, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

A.H. Falls Prevention

Achieva’s Falls Prevention Program is aimed at increasing Residents’ mobility and function by increasing their strength and balance. Upon implementation of the Falls Prevention Program, Residents will learn appropriate strengthening and balancing exercises that will help prevent falls and increase their confidence to ambulate safely. Upon implementation of the Falls Prevention Program, Residents will learn…
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September 8, 2023 in Educational Information for Families

Risk Management Plan

PURPOSE The Risk Management Program is a facility wide systematic process of identification, assessment, action implementation, and evaluation of actions taken to prevent, minimize and manage clinical, administrative, environmental, occupational health and safety risks within the facility. The focus of the risk management program is two fold: To ensure an optimal quality of life for…
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